Lecture: "The Revolution Will Not Be Aestheticized (Too Much): Some Lessons Learned from Memorializing the Art and Activism of the Young Lords Party." Cornell University. October 29, 2019.
Gallery Talk: "Yasmin Ramirez, Elaine Reichek, and James Romberger on Nicolas Moufarrege." Queens Museum. October 27, 2019.
Lecture: "Puerto Rico: Culture, Activism & Protest in the Caribbean and the Diaspora," Fashion Institute of Technology. September 24, 2019.
Moderator: "Cultural Imprints: Latinx Impacts & Universality in the Form of Graffiti Writers." Panel featuring Jessi Diaz, Lee Quiñones, and José Perlá. In partnership with the exhibition Beyond the Streets.
July 19, 2019.
Respondent: Annual Symposium of Latin American Art, The Institute of Fine Arts, New York University. April 11 - 12, 2019.
"El Museo that Jack Built." Paper on Jack Agueros presented on the panel "Pre-Latinx: The Early Urban Generation," at Latino Art Now, Houston, TX. April 5, 2019.
"Voices from the Battle Front: A Conversation about the Impact and Legacy of Marta Moreno Vega and her Work Promoting Cultural Equity." The Latinx Project, New York University. November 27, 2018. Website.
"5 Questions, 5 Minutes: Artist Talk." Hunter College East Harlem Gallery and El Museo del Barrio. May 30, 2019. Website.
"Pre-Latinx Art: The Veterano Avant Gardes." The New School for Social Research. May 2, 2018. Video.
"After Midnight: Fast Forward Art History," a panel with Molly Nesbit, Hilton Als, Yasmin Ramirez, and Ann Reynolds. E-flux. January 19, 2018. Website.
"The Puerto Rican Art Workers and the Construction of the Nuyorican Art Movement." Taller Boricua. Write up.
"The Boricua in Basquiat: Reflections of Jean-Michel Basquiat's Afro-Latinx Lexicon." Hunter College. May 6, 2005. Flyer.